Offline Blog Editors

Is anyone out there using separate blog editing software? That is, is anyone using an application to post to their blog, rather than the built-in web interface? If so, which one are you using, and how’s it working for you?

I’m posting this with the 30 day trial for a tool called MarsEdit 2. It seems to be relatively useful, but I don’t understand why it’s better than just using the browser. Has anyone else tried this app? What else is available?


3 responses to “Offline Blog Editors”

  1. Patrick Mueller Avatar

    I compose my blog posts in a plain text editor (well, TextMate) in HTML. Preview with my web browser. When all done, I paste the HTML into the online blog editor. Bonus is that I have a copy of all my blog posts locally.

  2. Kevin McGuire Avatar

    There’s Windows Live Writer, which I think it was Brooke who mentioned some time ago. A random link:!D85741BB5E0BE8AA!174.entry.

    I downloaded it but didn’t try it, there was something that scared me. You needed a Windows Live account? Something in the Terms and Conditions. Don’t recall.

    >I don’t understand why it’s better than just using the browser.

    Some problems I would expect such an app to solve is the bit of hoop jumping to get your pictures in, and better editing experience with more accurate tag control and truer WSYWIG. For example, I find WordPress editor takes liberties with vs. , plus invariably I need to hand craft the img tag to get a picture properly centered.

    Mostly why I was interested was that I’d like to make it easier for my family to post to our family blog. Most can’t figure it out and the picture upload/select step would be completely mind boggling.

  3. Kevin McGuire Avatar

    A completely different approach is Postie ( which is a better “mail your post to your blog” plugin. I’ve been meaning to try it out. Probably lose some on the WSYWIG front but convenience and picture handling are a plus.

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