Note to self: Phone wakes at 6:30

So last night, some time between midnight and 6am, my friend Ken Walker sent me an SMS to let me know that he had just got a new iPhone [WTG, Ken!]. My phone was off, when the message was sent, so Rogers dutifully held onto it and, sent it the next time the phone connected to the network. In this case, that happened when it turned itself on at 6am this morning.

Now, I leave my phone on the night table beside my bed at night, since I use it to read e-books, and thus the **** BING **** that went off beside my ear at 6am this morning was an excellent reminder to set the wakeup time for the phone to match my own wakeup time.

Technology! [Soon to replace “Belgium” as the worst insult in the galaxy.]

(Yes, that was a HHGttG reference.)


2 responses to “Note to self: Phone wakes at 6:30”

  1. Ken Walker Avatar

    Well, I didn’t think THAT would happen. I apologize for my use of that dang “Technology”.

  2. McQ Avatar

    No worries, man. It was just a good example of what happens when I build technology into my life without thinking about it.

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