As you’ve probably noticed, there is now a picture in the side bar. I’m using the WPG2 plugin to do this, but I don’t have many publicly visible pictures up yet, so if you aren’t a registered user on this blog, you’re likely to see a lot of puppies for a while. 🙂
As a test, here is the puppy photo embedded in this entry:
The way this works is, if you are logged into this blog, you get admin rights into the gallery2 site, but if you’re not logged in here, you have the same rights as a guest at the gallery2 site. This rule is strict, and you can’t get around it by including direct links to things that a guest normally couldn’t see so, for example, unless you are logged into this blog, you won’t see a picture of Lucky and Sunshine here:
Unfortunately, the gallery2 site is no more.
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