Category: Family

  • Why the Intel iMac is fast

    We got an Intel iMac at work, and I have to say it is fast. Apps start quickly (one dock icon bounce to get Safari running) and are joyously responsive. Eclipse looks great on it!

    Of course, the reason why the apps appear fast is that they were slow before. That’s the joy of developing software on a slow platform: If it’s usable on the G4, it will scream on the new boxes. (Anybody remember the transition from 68K to Power?)

    Unfortunately, the downside of this is that developers will now start writing applications that are just “usable” on an Intel Mac, meaning that they will be brutally slow on my G4 laptop. Oh well. Enjoy it while it lasts.

  • Two more successful concerts

    Both nights went well for Divertimento. Personally, I thought Friday night was a little tighter over all, but I had people come up to me both nights and say that they thought the orchestra sounded the best ever. This included one person who said they’d been coming for 19 years.

    Now we have to start seriously working on the program for the next concert, which is definitely harder material.

    Thanks to all who attended, and I hope you had fun.

  • Divertimento Concerts Friday and Saturday

    Just a reminder that the spring Divertimento “pops” concerts are tomorrow and Saturday at 8pm. The program is:

    Sullivan, Overture to “Iolanthe”
    Rodgers, Medley from “The King and I”
    Ricketts, Satchmo!
    Leigh, “Man of La Mancha” Selections
    Rossini, Overture to “William Tell”
    Leopold Mozart, The Sleigh Ride
    Anderson, Jazz Pizzicato
    Loesser, Highlights from “Guys and Dolls”
    Wilson, Beach Boys Hits
    Rodgers, Selections from “Oklahoma”

    The Friday concert is at Rideau Park United Church, 2203 Alta Vista Drive. The Saturday concert is at L’Γ‰glise St-Thomas-d’Aquin, 1244 Kilborn Ave. I haven’t got any tickets to sell, but they will be available at the door:

    Adults: $10.00
    Students/Seniors: $8.00
    Children under 13: $5.00

  • I’m home.

    I was up at 5am this morning to get to the airport in time to get through airport security before my flight left. Somehow in the process of taking everything you own and putting it in little grey boxes to go through the scanner, I missed the PDA in my pocket, so when it set off the security station they were (of course) inordinately interested in why I had tried to get through without getting it scanned (doh!). At which point, they told me to take off my belt, shoes, etc. — anybody who travels to the US now, knows the drill.

    I did finally get through the checkpoint, but my Bluetooth GPS unit fell out of my coat when I was taking it off and smashed on the cement floor. I put it back together, and it appeared to be communicating with my PDA, but it couldn’t see any satelites (even standing at a window) which leads me to believe it’s busted. More testing required.

    The flight was cramped but uneventful, which is about the best you can hope for now. I went directly from the airport to work, but didn’t stay for very long. I needed to come home and nap long enough to be awake at the orchestra dress rehearsal tonight.

    I got about an hour of sleep in before Dennis called home to say that his wallet had been lost, and just under 5 more minutes before he called again to say it had been found. At that point, I gave up on the napping idea.

    The good news is that I’m back at home again, but man, I hate travelling!

  • Day 2

    One day finished, one left to go. Yesterday’s sessions varied a bit, but there were some good ones. The lecture by the guy from the Harvard Business School was actually pretty good. No answers, but he did give you something to think about.

    We’ve got formal sessions until 15h00 today, but my team is getting together this evening too. Then it’s one more night in the hotel room and I get to head home.

    See you tomorrow. πŸ™‚

  • Day 1

    We got in last night around 20h00. The plane ride was fine — a bit bumpy and it took about 25min longer than it should have, but it worked. The hotel room is reasonably nice:

    Nothing interesting is supposed to happen until 10h00, but we’re meeting for breakfast in a few minutes, so I’m going to head out.

  • Travelling tomorrow

    I’m packed and as ready to go as I’ll ever be. Dennis came down with a cold today, so I’ve been trying to avoid catching it from him. I guess I’ll find out whether I was successful just about the time the plane lands. *sigh*.

    You know, I really hate travelling.

  • I’ll be travelling next week.

    I am going to a company meeting in Lexington next week. I fly out on Monday and get back on Thursday during the day. Those of you who know me, will know that I am already stressing over the travel.

    Just to make things even more interesting, Thursday is the dress rehearsal for the next Divertimento concert. btw, if you are interested in going, here is a link to the concert information.

  • Oh, Deblits!

    Poor Deb. She hasn’t had a lot of fun on her first two skiing lessons. Her boots hurt enough that she was in agony after the first one, and when she got that fixed and went out today, she wiped and broke her thumb. πŸ™

    She’s enough of a trouper that she’ll try it again once the cast comes off, but given how warm this winter has been, a month from now the season could be over. I guess we’ll see how things turn out.

  • Weather!

    Last Saturday it was pouring rain when I got up to go snowboarding. Today, again, we’re in the midst of a torrential downpour in the middle of January. I guess buying season’s passes this year wasn’t a good idea after all. I hope things settle down again by the weekend, but the long range forecast doesn’t currently look promising.

    If you were looking for evidence of global warming, I think you’ve found it.